2003 - RAPID CITY ND - 4 |
2003 RAPID CITY 1 | 2003 RAPID CITY 2 | 2003 RAPID CITY 3 | 2003 RAPID CITY 4 |
Interesting people we met on the streets of Rapid City! |
Commissioned by
Prairie Edge store |
"He Is, They Are" Steve Mercer |
A place for lunch! |
Some of us hiked up to Harne's Peak Lookout - Highest point on the earth between the Rockies and the Pyrenees Mtns. of Europe! |
The intrepid
hikers! |
For those of you
who missed it - the view from Harney's Peak! |
Paper sculpture - upstairs at the Prairie Edge store - INNNNNcredible! |
last shot of the Tatanka Museum - Nancy Roney in front of a rear-lighted
mural. Thought provoking. |