Thanks to Lynn & Charles Davis for hosting this reunion

Most of the Reunion Crew - does not include some late arrivals and one or two who
chose to "bus" around Savannah at the time this shot was taken (Rees' Pic)

The Venue on the edge of Savannah's Historic District
(Old Navy?  I thought this was an Old Army function!)

The Gathering

Enroute to Belsford's Restaurant

Just one table (of several) at Belsford's


Each year Savannah commemorates the
"Battle of Savannah" which occurred on
Oct 9, 1779 at a spot called Spring Hill -
on the edge of the city of Savannah. 
The vagaries of communication coupled with  poor
intelligence caused the "rebels" to attack a force
that had been augmented the night before - leading to
a British victory and 800 revolutionary dead. 
Nevertheless, the battle (the third largest in casualties)
led the British to strain resources to maintain their
hold over the Georgia back country.

Charles and Lynne give us particulars about the
Battle of Savannah

Federal Building - note decorative panels under top cornice contain marble/granite from all Georgia counties.

Decorations on monument to Wm. Washington Gordon are all railroad motifs to commemorate Gordon's success in bringing railroads to much of Georgia's interior.

Roundhouse Museum - derelict roundhouse and shops are being renovated to show the full flower of railroading in GA

We counted twenty-one items on the tables, served family-style - NO ONE went away hungry!
Friday night - @ City Market
Free folk/country concerts

Yes, the gift shops, ice-cream/candy parlors,
restaurants, etc. were all open!

There was even a woman trying to climb out of a guitar!

Saturday morning,
On Squares, Lanes (alleys?), architecture, and the
struggle to create the Savannah Historic District -
and Lynne struggling with laryngitis!

Professional tour-guide at work!

Examples of Federalist and French architecture in the Historic District

National Guard Building - carrying canon, rifle slits, battlement motifs from Fort Pulaski
(Anita watching the birds)

Town-house garden

Free Masonry Temple - ornate!

Jasper's monument

Count Casimir Pulaski's contribution to the Revolutionary cause, and his death from wounds suffered in the
Battle of Savannah at Spring Hill, are commemorated in this monument.

The Candler (live) Oak - on the grounds of the Candler Hospital
(ca. Civil War).

270 years old.

Low-Country Boil
(or whatever they call this feeding frenzy!)

Oysters, shrimp, corn, sausage, beans, potatoes...
What a great feast!
Charles and daughter Vicky
Sunday walk to church...
3rd largest St. Patrick's Day Parade
after Boston and New York!


Bearded trees......

Off to the Telfair Museum/Jepson Center

Refreshing lemon water urn - Marriott lobby

Note the interior walls slant and curve -
Architect does not like orthogonal wall systems

Students from the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)
doing sketch-drawings of the Jepson Center interior.

This is what they were sketching

The ceiling - glass/louvers!


Nancy and friends at entrance to
Dutch-Influenced American painter exhibit


At the time of Lafayette's return to America (1925), this was a
boarding house and he stayed here.  Legend has it that one of
the addresses he made to the populace was made from the portico/balcony at the left.

Sunday night - last big gathering

The Three..........?

Some folks stayed for Monday - main event was a trip to Fort Pulaski (which Nan and Ted had done Thursday AM)
To see what the reduced-size group (after Monday departures) degenerated to, after visiting Fort Pulaski
Click Here and then hit the :"RETURN" button to return to this page.