Pictures taken by Roney, Morgan, Biddle, Willis and Rausch are available on data-DVD.
Please E-Mail Ted Roney  to obtain a copy.
Wonderful venue - expertly hosted by Art and Carol Biddle at the

The Gathering........

View of Long's Peak (14,255 ft) in Rocky Mountain National Park from front of the Aspen Lodge

We were treated to an homily by retired Methodist pastor Gary Prichard - text was the "Frodigal Fon!"

Just inside Rocky Mountain National Park's Fall River entrance, we were thrilled to watch several herds of wild elk - at the beginning of their rut season.

Bull elk, bugling!  Really strange sound!

The elk wander into the town of Estes Park, enjoying the lush grass on the local golf course, and sometimes snarling traffic!

Many of us walked the Bear Lake Trail - meeting friends along the way!

Roneys, Davis', O'Neils @ Bear Lake

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

Some of us took the "20 minutes up, 20 minutes back" side trip trail to Alberta Falls!
"What, no helicopter, Phil?"

Charles & Lynne Davis

Ingrid & Len O'Neil

Nancy & Ted Roney

Bonnie & Phil Shoemaker

Sprague Lake - where Ranger Shirley provided great information on the flora and fauna living in Rocky Mountain National Park.
At a subsequent gathering, Gary Prichard and Dunbar Godbold demonstrated the appropriate steps for western style two-step!

Up the packed gravel Fall River Road - built in 1929.- toward the Alpine Visitor Center

To the Alpine Visitor's Center  - in the Alpine Tundra above the tree line (which is between 11,000 and
11,500 feet in RMNP).
Carol & Tom Kruger

Our guide termed the trail from the Visitor's Center to the hill just NW of it as Heart Attack Hill - so the Roney's and Jim Rausch decided to test his hypothesis.  No twinges yet!
Back down to Estes Park via the Trail Ridge Road, via a stop at the Continental Divide and Rainbow Curve

No visit to Estes Park would be complete without a tour of the Stanley Hotel - built by FE Stanley - inventor of the Stanley Steamer automobile.

In the Billiard Room - bench for ladies to view the competition!  How did Bob Farmer slip in there? In the Gentlemen's Smoking Room - real wood in this room!
Dinner at the Twin Owls Restaurant -  oddly enough it's part of a resort that sits under a rock formation called "Twin Owls!"

Group picture taken at Sprague Lake by Ranger Shirley.  Some missing.....